As we allow our heavenly Bridegroom to progressively unfold His bottomless love for us, we can reach a level of intimacy where all our other “desires” surprisingly lose their power to attract and grip us. We gradually realize that all we truly yearn for is God’s perpetual presence.
My Evangelical background had a worldview that “You believe, You behave, You belong.” What if we first belong, and out of belonging, we believe and then out of believing what God says about us, we behave? It’s not what we do that makes us who we are; it is who we are that makes us do what we do. “Sleepy Christians” is about a person, family, church and their story of moving from the ordinary to the extraordinary, from what is natural to what is supernatural.
My experience with the author is as a Spiritual Father and friend. My joy is in seeing a family of families who no longer live as orphans, but as beloved sons and daughters of a King, belonging to a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.
My time with Chuck and His family has been a revelation of the ultimate purpose for our creation: to be with God in intimacy and to glorify Him in all we are and all we do. This family has clearly encountered God and has experienced measures of His glory, a family that is immersed in His love, power, goodness, grace and strength. What they are filled with is being released to those around them.
“Sleepy Christians” is an invitation for everyone to be Born OF the Spirit, filled WITH the Spirit and walk IN the Spirit!
I was thrilled with the invitation by my spiritual son to write the forward for this book. It is personal, practical, pure and powerful!
This book will take you higher, wider and deeper into the Father’s purpose for you so that you will also experience the transformational power of God’s Love.
Leif Hetland
President, Global Mission Awareness
Author, “Seeing Through Heaven’s Eyes